Does this sound like you?

  • Tired of spending countless hours SEARCHING the internet for information on the homebuying process
  • You’re TIRED of paying rent and living uncomfortable
  • You’re WORRIED about the future and how you will ever qualify for a mortgage
  • You WONDER how everyone else is buying a house
  • You WANT to give your family stability
  • Course Description

    Learn everything you need to get ready to qualify for a mortgage. 

    The 3 main components are income, credit and savings! 

    Once you understand what lenders are looking for you will be on your way to get prequalified.

    Do you need the answers to these questions?

    • What is the homebuying process?

    • How do I understand my credit report?

    • What is a credit score?

    • What score do I need for a mortgage?

    • How can I improve my credit score?

    • What is Debt to income ratio?

    Course Curriculum

      1. Message from Yandry

      2. The steps to homeownership

      3. Homebuying terms

      1. Income Presentation

      2. Income

      3. Type of income

      4. Self employed

      5. Ratios

      6. Quiz

      7. Income worksheets

      8. Income Module HW

      1. Credit Presentation Part 1

      2. Credit Presentation Part 2

      3. Credit

      4. What influences a credit score?

      5. Why are credit bureaus important?

      6. What are the three main credit bureaus?

      7. Credit Reports

      8. The 5 C’s of credit

      9. Quiz

      10. Debt Pay off worksheets

      11. Credit Report Sample

      12. Credit-report review checklist

      13. Credit Module HW

      1. Savings Presentation

      2. Savings

      3. Assets

      4. Reserves

      5. Down payment assistance

      6. Tips to save more

      7. Quiz

      8. savings worksheets

      9. Sample Closing Disclosure

      10. Congrats!

      1. Loan Checklist

      2. Questions for lenders

      3. Special offer!

      4. Acknowledgements

    About this course

    • $99.00
    • 38 lessons

    Bonus Material

    To help you take action and stay on track! worth ($25) & Special offer worth ($132)

    You'll Learn..

    Learn How to qualify for a mortgage with modules, downloads, and actionable homework to finally make your dream of homeownership a reality!

    • How to calculate your income

    • How to understand your credit Score

    • How to review your credit report

    • How to calculate your DTI

    • My strategy to save for a down payment